Mrs Yuck gets Food Poisoning

Mrs Yuck gets Food Poisoning

Mrs Yuck gets Food Poisoning

This blog isn’t about training.


Because I haven’t really done any.



Because I got…FOOD POISONING…and haven’t really felt like it.

I don’t typically get sick. I get some allergy stuff and about every 3-5 years I get the flu like everyone else. Normally, what ever sickness I get it is something that I can push through. I used to complain that I never got the kind of sick that made you stay at home in bed and resting for a few days…I got the kind where you weren’t contagious and could still go to work you just felt like shit.

This episode happened on Saturday after Thanksgiving. We had gone to our local Mexican restaurant for a late lunch. Normally, I get a side of sour cream to mix in with my rice and it is super tasty. That day the sour cream just tasted off. It didn’t taste rancid but more like it had been in the refrigerator for awhile. I took two bites and then said “nope” and stopped. We got home and I started to do the yearly Christmas decorations and by about 5:30 (2 hours later) my tummy wasn’t feeling so hot. By 6:30 my joints ached like I had the flu. They hurt so badly that I had to take 2 hot baths just to soothe them. It was all of my joints: ankles, knees, hips (especially), ribs, back and shoulders and they ached so much that I couldn’t get comfortable sleeping in any position. I even had a small fever. At around 1:30 am my fever broke and I started to feel better.

I wasn’t really ill for that long…maybe 24 hours but the ramifications on my body have been tremendous. This week I have barely managed lame workouts and they leave me exhausted and weak. Even though I never purged during my sickness I still think I got dehydrated, probably the fever, and I haven’t really caught up with that either. Everything makes me tired. I hope I am better by next week so I can pick the workup back up and start to feel better.


Friday, November 24th

Prowler: 1 lap with 25 lbs. on each arm, 1 lap with no weight


Monday, November 27th

Lame circuit: Hack squat with no added weight x 10, Lunges on Bodymaster squat x 10 per leg, Sand Dune Stepper for 30 seconds. I managed 4 rounds.


Tuesday, November 28th

* KB floor press with 16 Kg for 5 sets of 12 reps
* KB Seesaw press with 16 Kg for 5 sets of 10 reps per arm
* KB Standing triceps extension with 12 Kg KB
* Rear delt flyes on the machine with 50 lbs for 3 sets of 15


Wednesday, November 29th

2 laps with the prowler with no weight
1 mile walking


— end the article —

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