17 Year Revenge Spontaneous Dirt Nap

17 Year Revenge Spontaneous Dirt Nap

17 Year Revenge Spontaneous Dirt Nap

September 14th:

* Activations with long strap ab pulldowns
* Back work neutral grip pulldowns 8×10
* Prowler 2 laps with med heavy

September 15th:

* Activations with one minute planks
* Bench press speed work 6×5 with a couple drop sets
* Green band overhead tricep 5×10 and 1.5 rope. Did standing rows 8×8 as well
* Fat bell rows 5×6 per arm

Prowler 3 laps light, bested 20:10 time with a 19:20. First time going 1.5 laps nonstop. I did not expect that at all which is normally how it goes. Just rolled with it. My breathing was under control but I am still judo choppy on the legs. Seems like the more I focus on controlled inhale and exhale, the less I can lengthen the strides. Probably also, it is a little boring being the third month of this.


September 16th:

* Activations with ab work
* Reverse hypers 4 pre, 2 postx12
* RDLs, same as last week 315x2x16 sets, one minute rest per set.
* Prowler 2 laps med, 1 walk


September 17th:

* Prowler 3 light, 1 no weight


September 18th:

* Activations
* Bandbell bent over rows 4×8
* Hammer row 5×10
* Bench bandbell theme work 6×8
* Straight leg quarter dips 4×12
* Prowler 1 heavy(45lb and 25Lb per arm), 1 light , 1 no weight, 1 walk


September 19th:

* Activations
* Back work several set
* Three laps prowler light, one no weight


September 20th:

* Actvations and ab work
* Reverse hypers 6×10
* Prowler three laps light heavy

Mixed in some light tire flipping tlll the assholes next door just had to park out back and could not go the other GD way to get by my tire action. Was working gingerly with the bicep being funky monk mad.


September 21st:

At the kidney doc, in the am and back and forth at the job site all day so no activations. Kidney function has been rising steadily the last couple of CT scans checking for the any return of the cancer from last summer. My GP was very concerned and sent me to the specialist. From what the doctor told me the cisplatin used during the chemo can be highly destructive. So this visit was to start ruling out all other possibilities before we conclude the scarring from the chemo sessions was my issue. The doctor said that Cisplatin usually causes a 40% loss of kidney function. If so I still have 60% and I am still in remission so I will say thanks and be grateful.

I did manage 2 light heavy laps and one no weight lap on the prowler. Gotta keep the streak alive. Just till the end of September unless I just get dumber and roll on into Oct. Doubtful, as I am not really into going back to the stepmill.


September 22nd:

* Activations and suspension strap planks and fall outs. Plank 15 sec, 5 fall outs, 15 second plank
* Neutral grip pulldowns 10×10
* One arm green band rows 5 reps per arm for 5 minutes

Was not feeling any pressing inside today so went out and did some upper body press and static work. Two laps about 180 reps press, one lap static holding a stretch press position at bottom

Three laps prowler to end the session with light weight. Although it did not seem light at all. Felt more like I had 40 more pounds on it. I also went the opposite direction to change it up the last couple of days. Sorta feels like I am starting over. This is what I was after.

And now its time for a little bedtime story…..

So today an almost seventeen year grudge got “even stevened”. Way in the early days with the old lady we would joke around a lot (and still do to this day) about getting choked out. Well playin’ around one day way back I was “choking” her jokingly trying to get her to tap out. She being the strongheaded person she is would not and I kept joking with her thinking she was good. Her eyes zeroed in on me and did not leave me. I thought she was being a tough guy jack ass so I kept going. She started sinking weirdly and I let up and she dropped a little, well maybe more. In the horsing around I went too far, but she was never gonna let me know that. I felt really bad for playing too rough for a very long time. We made jokes about it off and on. But she never let me forget about that time I choked her out-never, ever, never….

Today I was feeling tense with all the stresses from the building, life, people etc. Normal shit. I was standoffish the night prior and most of the day, not able to free my brain from the funk. At these times when I know I need some activations by human touch I will ask. She has her spots that constantly get blocked and I have mine. Mostly in my neck, head, chin area. I do rag her about being addicted to activating those spots and in Sue fashion she gave that right back to me. Guess that should have been a sign of foreboding that the universe was gonna realign itself TODAY. I was seated in one of the wheeled office chairs (not the best move in retrospect) so she could dig into my levator scap. This is one of the activations that frees me the most and separates my mind from anxiety, stress, anger etc. That went well and she got my neck to give up almost instantly. So I asked her to dig in at the back of my jaw along the massiter. This is an angry spot for people in general, but guys mostly. She broke this up and I began to feel light headed and better. Then, she started to work the length under the jaw to the chin. This is a spot I work on by myself for relief. I also work the turkey giblet under the chin which is a stronger relief point for me. But, when she started down the front of my neck the trouble began. She has worked this spot before but usually goes no lower then midneck. In order to get at this area better, she had me lay my head back. As she was working down the front of my neck I felt my eyes roll up in my head.(She says that they just got really wide open.) I let out a small grunt which I think meant she should stop, but she thought it meant keep going and then………….

The next thing I know I am jolting awake and extremely disoriented almost seizure-ish trying to gain my composure. Apparently I just got knocked the F’ out! I am looking around to see if anyone saw this and unfortunately Ryan (Spud inc guy) witnessed it all, along with half the gym. She thought I was just really zen with the moment until I started tipping over like a tree and then woke up. After a minute I was okay but she really did think I was having a seizure. So now I am spontaneous nap boss and a 17 year later hell hath no fury like a women’s scorn revenge is complete. That’s a lot of plotting….

As White Goodman from Dodgeball said, “Go ahead and make your jokes…Mr Jokey” Touche Susan JF Bartley Touche…


— end the article —

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