New Training Starts This Week

New Training Starts This Week

New Training Starts This Week

This week starts the next 4 weeks of training: 2 weeks of heavy work and 2 weeks of volume. Here are the highlights so far.

Monday 7/24:

* Safety Bar squats to a medium box (basically a parallel box with a 1 inch squishy pad on top). 200 lbs. of bar weight and 100 lbs. of chains. I wore my new briefs and worked up to 5 sets of 3.

* Zerchers with our new Zercher harness that fits a Pit Shark. I wasn’t sure how much weight so I ended with 2 plates on one side and 1 on the other. 6 sets of 6

* Stairs – once up holding a pair of 16 kg KB’s and once with out weight x 5

* One lap with prowler no weight

Tuesday 7/25:

* 4 Board bench press. Worked up to 195 for 5 sets of 5

* 5 minute snatch test with a 16 kg KB – 100 snatches in 5 minutes

* Overhead holds and alternating presses with double 16 kg KB’s

Wednesday 7/26:

* 3 laps with the prowler – no weight (that is about a mile)

I have done my activations every day and stayed pretty loose. Last night I was headed out to dinner for a friends birthday and my right leg was acting up. My ankle and knee were throbbing. Before heading into dinner I hit the Tibialis point and by the time I got into the restaurant all the discomfort had gone away. Add a glass of Prosecco and all the pain went away 🙂

I also did some body tempering on Tuesday. We have two of the smaller pieces plus a boomstick and I used the boomstick and one body tempering piece for 5 minutes on my quads and then I did all three pieces for 5 minutes on my quad. I also did 5 minutes with one piece and the boomstick on my Psoas for 5 minutes. I have found that once I can relax under the weight and begin to breath slowly into my belly that I can feel the jacked up connections in my body also start to relax and release. I think it has helped me be able to continue with the prowler and sled without my hips getting super tight.


— end the article —

For more detail about us (Spud-Inc-Straps). Please feel free to call us 803-788-2852 or to message us visiting our Contact page and you can visit our Facebook page.

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