How to NOT catch a Cat

How to NOT catch a Cat

How to NOT catch a Cat

Monday, October 1st

* No training due to the fact that my calves were completely blown up from the stairs on Saturday. I punked out.


Tuesday, October 2nd

* Box Squats – Novel Idea, I haven’t done these in a while. I just worked up to 6 sets of 3 reps with 215 lbs.
* One lap carrying the keg
* One lap with the prowler w/ no weight


Wednesday, October 3rd

* 2 laps with the prowler with 25 lbs per arm


Thursday, October 4th – lots of upper body stuff

* Bench press – I did sets of 10 reps with 95 lbs, 115 lbs, 125 lbs, 130 lbs, then dropped to 6 sets of 5 with 135 lbs.
* Cable cross overs with some kind of weight for some kind of reps
* Straight arm push downs for your lats with some weight for some reps
* Triceps overhead cable extentions again for some reps with some weight – not real good on the specifics


Friday, October 5th

* 4 laps with the prowler with no weight. I was pingey and needed to burn my brain out a little bit. I re-listened to the new Audible Studios production of The X-Files: Stolen Lives and was much happier for it when it was all said and done.


Saturday, October 6th

I had a great plan to do deadlifts and sled in a giant suck fest circuit but it was raining when I got up so I stayed inside instead. The circuit was deadlifts and flights of stairs (taking them two at a time). I did 20 total sets.

Set 1: 5 deadlifts conventional with 135, 5 flights of stairs
Set 2: 5 deadlifts sumo with 135, 5 flights of stairs
Set 3: 5 deadlifts conventional with 185, 5 flights of stairs
Set 4: 5 deadlifts sumo with 185, 5 flights of stairs
Set 5 – 18: Deadlifts with 225 alternating between sumo and conventional with 5 flights of stairs
Set 19 & 20: Deadlifts with 185 alternating between sumo and conventional with 5 flights of stairs


All in all, this was a great workout. It took about 1 and a half hours and at no time did I think I wouldn’t finish. I would say it was an 85% workout.


You may or may not know that I am a one woman feral cat whisperer. We have 13 at the house (this story is about the 14th), 2 at the gym (used to be 4 but we think the coyotes got 2 of them) and I feed and care for a colony that currently has about 16 but I think there is a litter of kittens somewhere that I have yet to discover. So yeah, I am the crazy cat lady. Luckily, Marc is a cat person as well. Even more lucky, the dog doesn’t seem to mind them either.

Most of our cats have come from the gym. We are right beside a state park and for many years we were a dumping ground for kittens and cats. The nice and tame cats we found homes for but the weird, sick or wild ones have ended up at our house.

A few months ago I started noticing a black and white male cat hanging around our house. He is mostly white with black spots on his face that make him look like he either isn’t that great at putting on mascara, or he is trying out for the cat version of Kiss…I hear they are called Hiss. (Ha! – lame joke). We have taken to calling him Tio Blanco or Uncle Blanco and he became an offical part of our crew when he decided to just live on our back porch all day waiting for the next feeding.

Last night I decided it was time to trap Uncle Blanco and get him to the vet to be neutered and get his shots. I waited until it was dark and I set the trap using delicious canned food. I turned off the back porch light and we waited. About 5 minutes later I crept back and turned on the light and found Uncle Blanco and T’Challa (our other outdoor kitty) staring at the door waiting for food. No one was in the trap. I turned the light on and left. I came back 10 minutes later, turned on the light and there was Uncle Blanco, T’Challa and a possum sitting patiently waiting for food. The trap was empty. Rinse and repeat. I came back to find both cats and now TWO possums and still no one in the trap. Rinse and repeat one more time, I came back to find both cats and one possum on the porch and one possum in the trap blissfully unaware that he can’t get out, throwing down on the can of cat food in there.
Marc kicked the possum out. We closed the trap. We took the loss for the team. I will try again today.

(The cats and possums in the picture above are NOT mine but they do look a lot like ours.)


— end the article —

For more detail about us (Spud-Inc-Straps). Please feel free to call us 803-788-2852 or to message us visiting our Contact page and you can visit our Facebook page.

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