Goin’ to a Concert and a bit of Training
On Friday, I went to Daniel’s Island in Charleston to the Volvo Car Stadium Tennis Court Place for a concert. It was basically the Family Circle tennis Facility but names change as time marches on. The concert was Tom Bailey of the Thompson Twins, The B52s and Boy George/Culture Club. I got invited and was not that interested in going at first because I thought is was just Boy George. It is sorta ironic as we had been talking about The B-52’s and if they ever were around I would like to see them. Probably not, as usually when you talk about something it tends to appear or show up in some fashion like the Universe heard you and said, “Hear ya go” Maybe not the version you thought of but here it is. (Think on that litle bit from time to time.)
When I heard the B52s were playing, I said sure. They are a quirky strange band. I heard them first at a small party in the mid ‘80s. We lived in a small town called Sumter at the time in SC. New and different music was rare back then. Being poor and just wanting to fit in like everyone else in high school, you tended to stick to what was mainstream. Put it this way, one kid that moved to Sumter from up North had a Billy Idol haircut and an ear ring which by itself caused an upheaval at the Sumter High. So as you can imagine, someone slapping on Rock Lobster at a small party was unique. I enjoyed it the brief time I heard it. It was more a funny song that you made fun of back then with Fred Schnieder’s voice . A few years later in college when CDs were getting hot, I bought all kinds of music and got a lot of CDs from the Columbia House 8 CDS for a penny deal. I got a lot of CDs this way even though in the end it wasn’t any deal at all but you do accrue a ton of music this way. The selections were decent and you took chances and B52s were one of them. Might have been the time Cosmic Thing was released. I liked that album and it was of the most popular ones for them mainstream wise. If I like something, it was obsessive so I got all their early albums and listened to them picking out my favorites and listening to them dozens of times. With them, the beats and the musicianship is great. Their lyrics are also very unique and honestly just fun to listen to and sing to.
I did not grow up a concert or show goer. Can’t say why, just never went to many. The wife loves them and has been to plenty to dozens and probably dozens. This venue was pretty cool, they block off half the stadium for the stage. It was more intimate then a large show, we could see and enjoy it more than a real small setting-Goldilocks show, just right. Most of the show is people in the 40s to 60s but don’t think that means less douchery, it does not. The lady next to us asked two guys with younger trophy wives to sit down and not yack as much. Bascially, they yammered the entire time. Always brings up, why you here?
Everyone played and sang great. I did not expect them to sound as good as they did and kept wondering if they were lip synching. After a couple of times of thinking about that, I just said enjoy the GD show man to myself. The B52s basically have never really stopped doing shows which is pretty amazing and they are in their 60s to early 70s. Tom Bailey was really good and Boy George/Culture Club was great as well. Changing your perspective from time to time is a good way to enjoy your life.
Activations with tim tam and boomstick
Double kb rows 30 setsx10 with about 15 to 20 secs off
KB obliques 8×10 a side
Messed around with the Weck clubs for rollin tricep work off ball
100×2 rounds pushups off treatment table. 20 rep sets , slide , 20 reps
Tried some inclines with some assistance but did not go well so moved on to hammer flat. 5×6 then a couple of drop sets
Two laps sled drag with belt
25 minutes stepmill.
Very minor bit of work.
Reverse hypers 8×12
Light SSB squats with pause at bottom 5×6
Activations with tim tam, boomstick and the rest of the kitchen sink
Bandbell speed bench 8×3
Added stump strap and 25lb , dropped bar weight a bit . then did soem high neck presses off face savers 5×8
Regular sled drag 10mins, then upper body with rope attachements for 20 minutes. 8rounds front raises, 8 rounds rear delt raise, 4 rounds static rotater holds. 8 rounds tricep extensions. Tried a couple rows but bicep said that was it so had to work on to ease the pain up in the elbow.
# laps regular sled drag
Needed alot of activations and BT workthis morning. Hip is still giving me fits so dealing with that
Tsunami bar seated GMs with stump straps. Added quarters after each 3 set rounds ending with 75lb on each stump strap. so 9x5reps
Did 4 sets box squats with same set up
Reverse hyper 5×12
Took yoke to the road for a full 1/3 mile lap
Rest of day was moving furniture and then coming back to do a bit of work and harass everyone.
2 and half laps with sled regular pull
Activations with boomstick and tim tam
Back work semi heavy neutral grip fat handles 12×8
Fat bell rows 125lbx10 x5 sets
Pin press bench 275x5x3,315x3x2,345×2,365×1 . Adding a bit each bit.
Added fat grip to wide hammer and dropped seat to make it more close grip work. 5×8
Shoulder Rok 3 rounds each side. Was cool till about 130 and then neck and arm are pissed so did more activations and band work stretching. Better but still mad.
Plate and half for 30 minutes regualr sled drag
Activations with tim tam
Reverse hypers 4 pre, 2 post
Box squat. Worked back up to 3 plates to test the leg and hip. Still minorly mad at me
Light banded deads 5×3
One lap with old club foot prowler.
— end the article —
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